
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tourists Suggested not to climb Mount Agung


Security officers and tourisms guidance who stand by at the Mount Agung climbing post in Besakih of Karangasem Regency Bali had suggested for the tourists not to climb the mountain in this recent days.

This suggestion is due to the bad weather happened lately.

“Hard rain along with vast wind that keeps to be happened is very dangerous for climbing activity in every track in that highest mountain in Bali,” said Nyoman Sudarsana as a member of Kelompok Pemandu Wisata Kebut Gunung (KPWKG) Agung – Group of Mount Agung Racing Guidance – when contacted from Denpasar on Tuesday.

Mountain tourism guidance that got incorporated with Basarda Bali find himself help SAR team frequently to find the climber who get lost on that mountain, he mentioned that almost none of save route can be go through when bad weather happened.

The problem is to reach the peak of the mountain with 3.142 meter height above the sea, the climber often find themselves went through a path with not more than 50 cm width and flanked by a deep ravine.

“The deep ravine that flanked the path way is the back of the mountain with depth from tens to hundreds of meter. Making a mistake and you’ll get slipped,” said that senior mountain guidance.

Besides get flanked by the ravine, lots of the path on the mountain have declivity more than 75 degrees and great enough to bring such difficult for a beginner climber he said.

In relation with that, Sudarsana and other guidance also wish for the climber to delay their climbing activity on Mount Agung concerning the very bad weather which may happen.

Some tourism guidance confessed that they had rejected to accompany the tourists to clime regarding the bad weather happened recently. Although, according to Made Suena, there is other tourists who try to climb the mountain without “mountain race” guidance companion with them.

“This that usually attract dangerous,” said Suena while adding that there were lot of climber who dead or gone missing when climb Mount Agung in the middle of bad weather.

Sudarsana confessed that he got involved with SAR to find three climbers from Bandung West Java who got lost in Mount Agung several years ago. From those three only one had been found and he already dead.

They are Mohamad Iqbal (22) who found dead and the other two were Eko Saputro Sudirman (21) and Indah Safitri (21) whom until today still nowhere to be found.

He suspected that those climbers who were the member of Mapala STIE Bandung gone missing on the Mount Agung after felt into the deep ravine.

“Lots of climbers, who felt to the ravine, end with their corpses nowhere to be found. Those climbers usually people who did not accompanied with guidance,” he said.

Therefore, Sudarsana urged for the tourists for a while canceling their plan climbing Mount Agung.

“If they want to climb, it will be better if they accompanied by guidance who has been familiar with climbing and down the track in Mount Agung,” he said.

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