
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hundred of Alcoholic Drink Destroyed

After having static law, hundreds of bottles of alcoholic drinks destroyed. Meanwhile for the owner of those drinks, Ni Nyoman Sukadani and I Nyoman Rubita sentenced with fine as well as confinement option.

After seized by the civil service police force on Monday (January 25) due to the illegal sales of alcoholic drink B level with 14.7 percent alcohol level found at Terus Jaya shop owned by Ni Nyoman Sukadani as the citizen of East Loloan District in Jembrana and at I Nyoman Rubita wholesale, the citizen of Baler Bale Agung Jembrana. All of that alcoholic drinks destroyed on Wednesday (February 10) followed the verdict from Negara’ high court.

Both Sukadani and Rubita convicted guilty for violating Section 4 number 1 and section 14 regional law Number 6 Years 2007 about Alcoholic Drink Control. Sukadani sentenced with one million rupiah of fee and ten days in jail optional whilst Rubita sentenced lighter with 750 thousands of fee and 7 days confinement option.

The annihilation of alcoholic drink was conducted by Jembrana regent, I Gede Winasa together with other government officials in front of Jembrana’ Regent Office. Kasat Pol PP Jembrana, I Ketut Wiratma mentioned that hundred of alcoholic drinks that destroyed was part of his members operation result in maintaining regional regulation in Jembrana.

“Alcoholic Drinks annihilation for was the first time done by the Civil Service Police force,” said Wiratma. Meanwhile, Winasa mentioned that this kind of operation is not enough if merely conducted by the police officers, the Civil Service Police Officers is very possible to do that since they have role in maintaining regional regulation.

“If there are people who violated this rule then they have the authorization to conduct something,” he said. Winasa confess that he could not stop the producer but simply control it. “We could not stop the producer of this kind of drink but we could control it with checked the regulation and authorization,” as he asserted.

The annihilation done through hit the bottle one by one with hammer which was initiated by Winasa together with other Jembrana officials. The alcohol liquid overflow to the street was sting.

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